Aug 14, 2023Liked by Tom Hayden

I don't know if anyone is reading this old post, but I thought it an appropriate place to respect Charles Machesky . After retiring as superintendent of Uniontown Area School District (with a nice pension I am sure), he volunteered to remain in his job without pay. For 11 years. I wonder whether any Evanston superintendents value their community enough to do that. https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/uniontown-area-school-district-superintendent-charles-machesky-work-free/

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Given what I have learned about the superintendent business, in general, I don't think you'd find any current living superintendent willing to make that sacrifice for their community. It's a political job these days, not an educational one.

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I’m curious if the Skokie PD has record of the parent showing up with the gun since Horton lived in 60203?

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Dear requester,

A search of [REDACED ADDRESS] for all incidents from JAN2020-DEC2022, as well as a search on Mr. Horton’s name records for involvements or incidents, resulted in no arrests or incident reports found.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Philip Wasserburg

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I wonder what would happen if you foia’d the addresses of his business associates from that one contracts article, or perhaps his other properties as it’s my understanding he is also a real estate magnate. Kinda like Dewey’s principles 3 principles ago who received a rather large ppp loan for a travel company. I never understood how these leaders of schools and children had So many other jobs that pay average Americans household salary amounts . My hunch is somebody showed up with a gun about some non-school thing at one of those locations -this is just a hypothesis- and that’s what he’s referring to. That, or he’s just a blatant liar

Also keep in mind if this incident did happen and the parent got the case dismissed (and then expunged )the local police department would’ve had to destroy the arrest record including police report but I don’t see how this incident would’ve ended in a dismissal. I also wonder if the Illinois state police or fbi would have a record local officials dont - again just a hypothesis .

The only law statue I could find is IL false claims act which is civil not criminal but here’s a kind of similar DOJ IL case where far less money was used


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Thanks for following up. I can’t say I’m surprised by this answer.

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more to come..

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On it! I am going to update my story too

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OK Story updated. More TK (to come).

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I see that the interviewer mentioned something about the "vandalism" of Horton's car. Of course there was never any indication that his car break-in was related to his work. He waited three days to call the police about the car break-in and the police report makes no mention of a motive.

The car break-in took place on June 21, 2021. He called the cops on June 24, 2021. Stacey Deemar filed her lawsuit against the district on June 29, 2021. Then on July 10, 2021 Horton sends out a letter to parents about the lawsuit and mentions that the car break in was in response to media coverage of the lawsuit.

It was such a clear lie. How can the break in be related to media coverage of something that happened a week later? If the car break in was so threatening why did he wait three days to report it to the police?

Of course, I don't expect that interviewer to actually press him about it, but for the record it should be stated.

Police reports: https://evanstonnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/EPD-1500-McDaniel-reports.pdf

Horton's statement linking his car break in to a post-dated media coverage: https://web.archive.org/web/20210715203137/https://www.district65.net/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=4&ModuleInstanceID=275&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=11485&PageID=1

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To quote Dr. Horton himself from the above interview, “why let a good crisis go to waste?”

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023

And then when someone broke into (I think the door was unlocked thr police report said) of Lindsay Ryan’s car and put a note with one word three letters on it they issued some massive all white people are KKK response- well if someone showed up at his and had a gun, they would’ve held a large gathering or some other big show of support for “the work”. and they def would have run to the news for them to report it which an outlet would have like the car break in story/articles

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Yea this is why I think this is newsworthy

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FYI --Evanston residents that were super alarmed at the Biz Ryan car vandalization incident (Evanston didn’t seem anti-gay/lesbian to them up until that point) & wanted more info, decided to FOIA EPD @ it. And what did they find??! Wait for it, wait for it: Gasp. Nada. And in fact, the way the report related to this incident was written implied some things that just didn’t make sense.

In hindsight it’s all pretty clear. Name calling, making things up in the fly --even serious crime, needing to call out a community and it’s residents as racist pieces of garbage on the daily for daring to question the dear leaders, fueling social media rantings, scaring people into submission, interviewing with national media (esp conservative leaning media) and on and on --all to further divide and fray the fabric of this community; to keep the narrative going about “the work” that needs to be done here; to keep their pockets lined. God forbid they solve some real problems --but wait...if problems are solved or progress is made, their consultancies and tshirt making businesses to “solve” or “shine a light” on those problems become irrelevant. The gravy train dries up.

And we keep falling for it. It’s like it’s in Evanston’s DNA. Can we be more pathetic?

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Author

Years ago I lived in Detroit and there was this group called "By Any Means Necessary" (BAMN). I think they still exist and are a national group now. Their essential underlying philosophy is that any system they decide is unjust must be destroyed literally, by any means necessary. I recall a city council meeting where they showed up and started throwing food at the city council over some issue. They constantly interrupted city council meetings by shouting and harassment. It's fundamentally anarchism and there is certainly a strain of this thought in some of the anti-racist content (see the Evanston facebook groups).

I think this strain of thought has integrated into both political parties right now - the truth is irrelevant as long as you can achieve the desired outcome. You see this on the right with Trump-ism and you see this on the left with what you describe. At the end of the day, it's all about money and power and achieving your goal .. by any means necessary.

BAMN never achieved their goals but they obviously stirred the pot enough to continue fundraising since they still exist. The BAMN approach is poison to our politics, law, and our culture. I should write a post on this.

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There was one point where Horton equated people filing foias with “the haters.” The chorus on Facebook started reiterating that idea.

This is when you know these folks have jumped the shark and lost focus on the fact that they are supposed to be PUBLIC servants. You should expect and, dare I say, welcome scrutiny about the way you are using precious public funds to meet an essential public goal.

When you start impugning people for simple transparency and oversight, it is natural for people to question your motives.

Unfortunately enough people either don’t care or are too swayed by their ideological blinders to demand accountability.

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The system is pretty rotten. D65 is tip of the iceberg. Wait until you see some of my ETHS reporting..

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023

Horton mentioned the bodyguards during a Board of Education meeting on May 23, 2021- saying “I sit here with armed security 24 hours a day.” This one comment led e.n to foia those records, imagine if he didn’t make that comment maybe it would have gone unnoticed. like in this exit interview video, I found it interesting he brought up the security detail kinda out of no where. I feel he/they had to do anything to justify it, and/or if he is fabricating this incident about a parent and a gun - I mean after all where are all those local kkk members all the board members constantly talk about even as recent as the board elections meer months ago https://dailynorthwestern.com/2023/04/02/top-stories/district-65-caregivers-of-color-our-village-group-protest-school-board-candidates-with-ties-to-anti-equity-group/

I wonder, was the security detail in relation to some outside unrelated factor, a lot of these articles seem right out of a American greed episode .

mind you July 2021 is about a year and a half into school closures of what ended up being 256 consecutive school days closures (a round table article stated the number of closed school days).

Because the District 65 board dared to care about all human rights,” Tanyavutti said. “Local fascists and KKK, cloaked under the guise of FAIR and Evanston schools updates, are busy trying to undo any investment in human rights.”

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I mean if a parent showed up with a gun, the security was 100% warranted. I haven't seen evidence to suggest this is true, though. But I am looking.

The FAIR stuff is a subject of a future post. Hang tight. I disagree with their politics but they don't strike me as the fascists they are made out to be.

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023

May I ask about all the students that show up to local schools with guns, what is warranted for parents to do to protect their young children as there’s been about 4 of those incidents within the past two years ?





The supreme court just determined affirmative action was unconstitutional I think it’s a fair debate for people to have stood up to what these leaders have done. Obv showing up to someone’s house is illegal, and would justify an arrest, but let’s see if it ever happened - again he has used this excuse of someone showing up to his house just ~7 months ago in court and this was supposedly in mid 2021. Especially with what these leaders have done in the name of “bridging the stats gap”, to most common sense people not afraid to stand up for what’s right their white discrimination has been clear- even linking their entire COVID responses to this one aspect of racism- white people/systematic racism/white supremacy .

Part of the reason the Supreme Court made their decision is people from different parts of the world are left out of which box to check for example if someone is from Iraq or Afghanistan they were supposed to check the black box, and the justices determined that just doesn’t make sense.

The failure of the COVID school lockdowns are beyond clear to anyone who can look at statistics honestly. The entire community is painted as kkk members when imo the administration and these leaders in charge are the ones who have used race guns and been hypocrites similar to like Hunter Biden having a gun.How can they preach restorative justice and counselors over cops and then just hire private security 24 seven armed guns after forcing schools closed for at the time well over a year when tons of other schools - even in Evanston - remained open with younger children.

They issued a massive racist response to somebody putting a note with one word in a board members car I can only imagine their response if something like this actually happened

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Please keep discussion of national political issues to a minimum here. This has absolutely nothing to do with the supreme court.

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Lots to unpack here. I’m not sure I understand how affirmative action relates exactly, and I definitely feel like you and I might not affiliate the same politically, but I read a lot of truth in your comments. It is clear that Horton et al have used Trumpian tactics against Evanston community members who do not accept what they determined is ok. Our natural fear and repugnance to be labeled racist or a white supremecist (terrible words to bandy about as lightly as they and their online sycophants do) led many to simply shut down and disengage. A 17% decline in student population under one man’s tenure is not a success statistic. Horton plays fast and loose with the truth. I would like to know the outcome of a threat of violence with a deadly weapon charge. He mentioned an arrest. Why didn’t this end up in the blotter? Why wasn’t this court case reported on in the media? Pretty hush hush for such a serious, serious crime. Even with people I have great disdain for- it is not ever going to be anything other than horrifying for a family to have to endure that kind of terrorizing situation and threat. So I would like to see the records. One would think something so serious would end up being a joint EPD/SPD investigation. Are there records at the Cook County State’s Atty office about how this was adjudicated?

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I am on the case. I FOIAed EPD and got nothing. I am going to reach out to their media team too. Same with Skokie. If true this is a major story. If false this is also a major story.

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

He’s a joker who took us for money and whatever fame he could get and ran. Good riddance. Pay attention and vote, people. I don’t hate Dr Horton. But I hate his behavior.

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In a way you have to kind of admire the hustle

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Tom Hayden

True! You can't knock the hustle.

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It’s easy to get money from a lib community like ours. We weren’t going to question any of it because we were so grateful to have an AA super come in and right all the wrongs. He fixed history and look at the scores- learning is up and suspensions are down! Don’t question what this administration is doing, you racist hater. Dissent is not acceptable. Once you get the lemmings- er- citizenry to accept this, it is easy to take them for all you can. I mean- this guy did. I hope GA keeps us posted on how it goes with them. We will be feeling the lasting ill effects for years. With likely more of the same to come.

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I think the Simpson's Monorail Episode tells us that it's easy to get money from *any* community that is willing to participate in enough wishful thinking.

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I thought more about this comment; I think this kind of wishful thinking is bipartisan. Remember a few years ago when every town in America was debasing themselves to Amazon hoping to get a HQ2?

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Well…kind of. But once they didn’t, that ended. Once we accepted the only person that wanted our job, we acted like he was manna from heaven and then we moved into the George Floyd era and suddenly there could be no disagreement with Horton and The Board over policy and procedures without being painted with the racist brush. That kind of crap MUST end of d65 is to get back on track. It’s binary (and ironically, we all know how much Evanston hates binary) and ridiculous. I truly do not believe there is a massive racist contingency in Evanston. I believe we all choose to live here because of the opposite. Somehow, we lost our collective ability for critical thinking and evaluation because it is practically illegal to disapprove of anything Horton did- based on race alone. If Goren came up with a near $4m deficit out of the blue and just said- uh sorry- he would have been lambasted (rightly so) and sent packing. The Board has two jobs. To watch the finances and hire a superintendent. They can’t do shite on either. These kool-aid drinking bozos need to go. The foxes are guarding the henhouse. They won’t even admit they did a bad job! They won’t even admit that the administration did a bad job! They won’t criticize anything the administration has done, and justify everything. Meanwhile, families are leaving and WORSE- teachers and administrators are leaving. In droves. It’s a problem and the Board has their heads in the sand. It’s fine….everything is fine. Because equity. And the 5th ward school. That’s all that matters. A school in a changing ward that won’t even service most of the black kids who live in this city. What part do people here not get about the fact that the gap has increased, readiness is down, kids can’t read well enough to be in high school??? If you are satisfied with this for your kids and your neighbors, keep going with it. We have jumped ship to a land of academic standards and rigors and where everyone is performing and expected to perform. If my kid is ever going to have a chance to be among the best in class, the class needs to actually be in the correct grade. Otherwise we are in for a real wake-up call in HS (hopefully at ETHS if they don’t fall to pieces with what d65 sends them) but more importantly, in college and beyond. The foundation of elementary education is paramount. My kid can’t spend time in the future making up for gaps in learning in the past. This town needs to wake. up. He took the money and ran. And we let it happen and can’t even admit it was a mistake. “As long as they speak equity”, we don’t care who comes in here or what they do. Yeah- we hear you, Biz. I’d love to know how much consulting money this Board and their buds will make down in GA in the near future.

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Yeah I was going to say that the reason they will never take accountability for this era being a failure is because they all have their own financial and professional eggs in the same basket.

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