Please do not stop this work. The fact the District wants to stymie attempts at gathering information and will go to the extent of paying attorneys to do this on their behalf underscores just how important shining the light in the dark corners is.

The way I see it there are two camps in this city: the extremist minority and their sycophants who use Trumpian tactics to silence dissenters, and the silent majority, cowering in fear of being doxxed (it has 100% happened online in Evanston social media), called racist, lambasted publicly, and intimidated. All in the name of “equity”.

It’s time for rational, sane citizens to stand up to these bullies and tell THEM to sit down. We need transparency. We need to eliminate the financial missteps the district takes- at taxpayer expense. We need to stop trying to solve all societal issues and get back to the job of public schools: to EDUCATE. We can’t even do that to any modicum of overall success; I don’t need the district veering into any aspect of my student’s life that isn’t direct associated with reading, writing, math, and science.

When we can truthfully state that we are educating to true standards every child, every day, maybe we won’t need people like you who provide such a valuable service. You present information to the public in a way that is easy to grasp and alert us to the FACTS that D65 is engaging in questionable at best, unethical/illegal at worst doings. On our dime.

There is an election coming up. It’s time to clean house on the Board of Education and right the ship and go back to a path of excellence education while maintaining fiscal solvency. Thank you again for your work.

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